Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I want to wish a Happy Singles Day to every single hottie out there. Today is 11.11 (Oct.11) and in China they celebrate 'single's' day. And apparently just for today MBA means "Married But Available" not that the married part applies to me haha...

This is my Organizational Behaviour in Chinese Context class. I believe we are only missing Jasmine (who by the way i helped her look for a name in English!).. Professor Lynda is the one in red.

Today we finished our OB class!! I actually didn't know it was the last class until 5 minutes before the class was over. Clearly i am keeping on top of things lolz...

This next few weeks will be a hastle.. boo... i hope i can manage with all these courses... too many things to do!.. i'm also wondering about my ecommerce exam. i havent read one thing about that class, and i usually don't pay any attention in class either.. all i know is that the exam is 60% and i have no idea how to study for it because i slacked the whole semester haha... oh god....

tomorrow i will have a very busy day, i have chinese class from 8-11:30. I then have to leave for my volunteer job, and i wont be back until about 5ish, then i will eat, and apparently i am going out with some friends for girl's night out. sick.. maybe i meet someone interesting haha...

Oh i also need to add that since our trip to the great wall i got a new nickname. 'Paola Bear' (sometimes is smth around that Poala Bear, Palola bear, Panda Bear, Paolar bear..etc) I think the first 5 sec of it i didnt like it, but now i really like it, i feel special and cuddly like a teddy bear hehe!

Perhaps we look a like?.... ya we do.. lmao

Ok, sorry but i feel the need of writting in spanish, so you can ignore this section...

La verdad no se que me a estado pasando, estoy super confundida, rompi con mi novio y no se que es lo que quiero en este mundo... me ciento sola y aun mas cuando mis amigos mas cercanos estan tan lejos, la verdad nunca me e sentido tan sola y 'deprimida', me siento como 'afuera' de todos los grupos, todos tienen sus amigos cercanos y con los que siempre ven peliculas, hablan sobre la vida, etc. espero que alguien llegue el otro semestre, alguien con el cual pueda tener una relacion mas cercana. Yo se que tengo amigas/os para salir, pero como todo ser humano, necesito a alguien con quier pueda hablar de mi vida cara a cara, y de como me siento, y que me cuenten de su vida tambien. no lo se depronto solo estoy extranando a mi pais (canada).....

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