Tuesday, September 30, 2008

哈尔滨和大襟 (Harbin y dajin)

Hello my dear friends i hope you are all doing great!
This past sunday three friends and i went to Harbin, a city in the north east of China. we took a train there which was supposed to last 8 hours and ended up being 15 hours... because the train we were in apparently was a slow one... i dono... mi expectations about the train were totally different... we took the economy class, to sum it up there were A LOT of people, literally everywhere. People who didnt even have seats.. they were in the aisles (apparently you can buy tickets to stand on the aisles, some people actually buy a folding chair and put it on the aisle and sit there the whole way), there were poeple that would go under seats to sleep, anyways you get the point.. people everywhere.... The seats were very compressed and unconfortable. Somehow the train attendant could pass with a little car sellng food. There was also another guy that would go by once in a while sweeping the aisle .. LOL... etc... crazy things in that train ride.. anyhow... we arrived in Harbin at 3am, and we didnt even have a hotel; if it wasnt for this chinese guy who showed us a hotel where we could stay.. which btw was really cheap (50RMB per person per night.. about 10 dollars), and it was a very nice hotel, a lot better than i thought...
On monday we went around the city, and we realised our hotel was in downtown. This city is really nice.. is very fashion like.. there are pasarellas (sp?) everywhere on the street, and models doing the catwalk... there was this clothing store (armani i think it was) where instead of having maniquies, they had real models posing for about 30min.. it was pretty sick...
haha.. now that i remember.. we were taking a photo of us and this guy on the back takes a photo of us with his own camera... i was like.. omg... this ppl really need to get outside this continent.. then again this happens a lot in china since they dont see a lot of foreigners.. bastards...jk.. well not really jk... at night we walked by a river, there were lots of lights, lots of poeple, lots of food stands.. it was quite nice, i really like harbin.
Today tuesday we came to Dajin which is two hours north east of harbin, we came to visit a friend we made in the train haha... well my friends made because their chinese is much better than mine hehe... im always saying "what did they say?" haha im such a loser... This city is also nice, it doesnt really look like i am in china, is a lot cleaner than beijing and resembles more like home. Now we are waiting for out bus back to Harbin (this was an unplanned trip...) where all our things are and all... tomorrow night we will be heading to ManZhouLi (so close to russia!!!) where our new adventure will await for us... and this time we bought the bed train tickets, where we dont have to deal with claustrophobia and sleep through our trip which is about 10 hours...
anyways i will go now since our bus will leave soon.. i hope it all made sense i had to write really fast

Ps: #1 i hate that when i say im from colombia they have to bring up the drugs thing.. WTF even chinese ppl know this... by far if smth bothers me is when the first thing ppl say about me being colombian is drugs.. ignorant fuckers.. thats not the only thing there is in colombia, plus it is not everywhere.. just in these remote areas that i dont even know... and even then... we sell it to you retards, we make money of dumnbies like you! duh!.. sorry i had to take off my anger....

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